vongolaprimo ey
eytang8@yahoo.com sup
vongolaprimo street fighter 4
eytang8@yahoo.com what about it?
vongolaprimo playing it lol
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm reading shaman king
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo ur cool
vongolaprimo lol I should probably catch up to it
eytang8@yahoo.com ugh
eytang8@yahoo.com hafta figure something ouuuut
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo so planning on doing it tomorrow?
eytang8@yahoo.com I suppose so
vongolaprimo oh I see
vongolaprimo good luck with that lol
eytang8@yahoo.com whurgh
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo I think u should ask first
vongolaprimo like
vongolaprimo if u wanna hang out
vongolaprimo and then like
vongolaprimo talk about what to do
vongolaprimo if u guys can hang out
eytang8@yahoo.com Ah, now I've gotta think about whether to call today or tomorrow
vongolaprimo well
vongolaprimo u can't just decide on ur own
vongolaprimo u gotta think of a way
vongolaprimo that she'll be able to have fun too
eytang8@yahoo.com I figure I'll ask her to hang out with me at a theatre and see what she wants to see
vongolaprimo Oh alright
eytang8@yahoo.com Just go to The Bridge or something
vongolaprimo dood
vongolaprimo just ask her first
vongolaprimo don't go deciding on ur own
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm, I suppose
eytang8@yahoo.com but it's also good to be able to make choices...
vongolaprimo yeah I guess
eytang8@yahoo.com But asking her is probably a good idea, too
vongolaprimo yea it is
eytang8@yahoo.com whaugh
eytang8@yahoo.com I asked and neither of us could really come up with anything
vongolaprimo oh snap
vongolaprimo u actually talked to her?
vongolaprimo can she actually hang out though?
eytang8@yahoo.com So we decided to maybe plan something for next week
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo that's good
vongolaprimo lol
eytang8@yahoo.com Wah, I'm slightly annoyed...
eytang8@yahoo.com I try and try, yet it's not happening yet...
vongolaprimo hm?
vongolaprimo hm
vongolaprimo you just have to be patience..
eytang8@yahoo.com Probably gotta- yeah
vongolaprimo anyways I won't be able to respond for awhike
vongolaprimo *awhile
eytang8@yahoo.com okay
vongolaprimo I jizz in my pants
vongolaprimo i'm very sensitive sum would say that's a plus
eytang8@yahoo.com um, okay
vongolaprimo i heard a song and it reminded me of you and i jizzed in my pants
eytang8@yahoo.com eewwwwww
vongolaprimo its the lyrics to the song i jizz in my pants
eytang8@yahoo.com I know that
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm joking
vongolaprimo ok... don't actlike im crazy when im not you scared me
eytang8@yahoo.com alright
vongolaprimo by the way i just jizzed in my pants
eytang8@yahoo.com ...
vongolaprimo hiya tang whats up
eytang8@yahoo.com doing the same thing as a couple of hours ago
vongolaprimo what jizzing in your pants
eytang8@yahoo.com ...
eytang8@yahoo.com um.
eytang8@yahoo.com You're saying stuff that's just a little... awkward
vongolaprimo i know im hyper
eytang8@yahoo.com you sound kinda like Dzenan
vongolaprimo i really sound like a faggot then?
eytang8@yahoo.com Like a pervert
vongolaprimo wow im srry
eytang8@yahoo.com good
vongolaprimo hey have you me jackie
vongolaprimo met
eytang8@yahoo.com jackie who?
vongolaprimo knoff
eytang8@yahoo.com nope
vongolaprimo oh shes my friend from venice
vongolaprimo jackie knoff
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm
eytang8@yahoo.com um.... If you don't mind me asking: ...And?
vongolaprimo she's hot u know jackie knoff
eytang8@yahoo.com Oh
vongolaprimo jacking off
vongolaprimo wow
eytang8@yahoo.com -_-
vongolaprimo your dense
eytang8@yahoo.com wtf
eytang8@yahoo.com Go away
eytang8@yahoo.com Are you sure that this is Justin?
eytang8@yahoo.com not Adam, Amir, or whoever?
eytang8@yahoo.com or Dzenan?
vongolaprimo its dzenan
vongolaprimo thats why im acting so gay
eytang8@yahoo.com wtf
vongolaprimo wanna have sum fun in the back alley
eytang8@yahoo.com ...
eytang8@yahoo.com I bet it's Amir
eytang8@yahoo.com or Adam
eytang8@yahoo.com But it doesn't seem like either of them
vongolaprimo its not goddamit tang
eytang8@yahoo.com wtf?
eytang8@yahoo.com Who is this?
eytang8@yahoo.com who ARE you?
vongolaprimo its harvestpool
eytang8@yahoo.com Nope
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm not that dumb.
eytang8@yahoo.com THen again, only you and one or two other people would know
eytang8@yahoo.com Roni, perhaps
eytang8@yahoo.com whoever this is, it's retarded
vongolaprimo Yeah its roni
vongolaprimo how did you guess?
eytang8@yahoo.com I wonder if you're still lying
eytang8@yahoo.com Do you know Amir's "secret"?
vongolaprimo yeah i do
vongolaprimo Amirs going out with claudia
eytang8@yahoo.com Alright, probably you
eytang8@yahoo.com You're a real douchebag
vongolaprimo i'm just joking with you no hard feelings right?
eytang8@yahoo.com I suppose so
eytang8@yahoo.com but that was just a little retarded
vongolaprimo i'm srry
eytang8@yahoo.com DON'T FUCKING APOLOGIZE
vongolaprimo don't tell Dzenan that its me
vongolaprimo tho
eytang8@yahoo.com Whoops
eytang8@yahoo.com just a little too late
vongolaprimo ok
eytang8@yahoo.com 10:14 or so, already told him
eytang8@yahoo.com I could still tell him that it might be someone else, though
vongolaprimo lol no no
vongolaprimo don't
vongolaprimo make him feel
vongolaprimo that way
vongolaprimo make him feel stupid
eytang8@yahoo.com What should I say, then?
eytang8@yahoo.com Are you at Justin's house or something?
vongolaprimo no justin's at my place
vongolaprimo he doesn't know i'm on
eytang8@yahoo.com alright
eytang8@yahoo.com do I tell him?
eytang8@yahoo.com eytang8@yahoo.com
10:11 PM
Definitely not Justin

10:12 PM

10:12 PM
He said something that only he or someone he talks to would know
10:14 PM
Figured out who it is
10:14 PM
It's one of Justin's friends, Roni Lopez
10:16 PM
Wait, nevermind

10:28 PM
he used the word soliloquy, it cant be justin
10:29 PM
nor amir for that matter
vongolaprimo What? Just because I don't used rare elegant words doesn't mean it's me
eytang8@yahoo.com 10:29 PM
black people dont know words like that
vongolaprimo I'm not black? =/
eytang8@yahoo.com That's just Dzenan's justification for saying that you're not Amir
vongolaprimo oh ok...
vongolaprimo so hes racist now
eytang8@yahoo.com Basically, I told him that it was you, then that it wasn't
eytang8@yahoo.com Dzenan
10:28 PM
he used the word soliloquy, it cant be justin
10:29 PM
nor amir for that matter
10:29 PM
black people dont know words like that
10:34 PM
wow dude

10:34 PM

10:34 PM
messing with whoever that is
10:34 PM
is making my night
eytang8@yahoo.com So, I hear you're in a pretty big argument with Dzenan
vongolaprimo lol I'm just making fun of him
eytang8@yahoo.com He thinks he's doing the same to you
vongolaprimo he gets pissed way too easily
vongolaprimo maybe he really is gay
eytang8@yahoo.com He thinks he's the one messing with you
vongolaprimo haha good one
vongolaprimo hes in over his head
eytang8@yahoo.com Him being gay might make sense if he didn't have a girlfriend
vongolaprimo its a cover
eytang8@yahoo.com maybe
vongolaprimo all gay guys have cover up girlfriends its a known fact
vongolaprimo just look at lance bass
eytang8@yahoo.com not necessarily
vongolaprimo michael jackson
eytang8@yahoo.com There are some pretty blatant ones
vongolaprimo name a gay guy who doesn't
eytang8@yahoo.com pretty much any of the lisp kids in our school
eytang8@yahoo.com But anyways
vongolaprimo yeah?
eytang8@yahoo.com WHo do you like now?
vongolaprimo that's a hard question
vongolaprimo I still like Allie a bit...
eytang8@yahoo.com lololol
vongolaprimo and I like this other girl too..
vongolaprimo yeah.
eytang8@yahoo.com That' just a little mean
vongolaprimo Della
vongolaprimo ?
vongolaprimo how so?
eytang8@yahoo.com and someone else, too
eytang8@yahoo.com It's a little too accurate
vongolaprimo yeah that chick in 6th
vongolaprimo but I probably don't have a chance with her
eytang8@yahoo.com maybe even mady still
vongolaprimo ?
eytang8@yahoo.com naw
vongolaprimo I like Mady?
vongolaprimo what
vongolaprimo It's me Justin.
eytang8@yahoo.com Oh
eytang8@yahoo.com Wait, really?
vongolaprimo yes.
eytang8@yahoo.com For real
vongolaprimo you asked me
vongolaprimo like
vongolaprimo who do I like
vongolaprimo wtf??
eytang8@yahoo.com Um...
eytang8@yahoo.com This is really Justin
eytang8@yahoo.com is there any way you can prove it to me?
vongolaprimo huh?
vongolaprimo you told me ur plan
vongolaprimo bout Erika
eytang8@yahoo.com Okay
eytang8@yahoo.com Now I think I believe you
vongolaprimo so apparently by next week you guys should already have a plan of something to do
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com Um, are you aware of the status of your AIM account?
vongolaprimo yes
eytang8@yahoo.com Are you aware that someone else was using it?
vongolaprimo no, I was using it
eytang8@yahoo.com Um, really?
vongolaprimo I was making a fool outta everyone
eytang8@yahoo.com wtf
eytang8@yahoo.com that was fucking confusing
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo well
vongolaprimo I didn't do it myself
eytang8@yahoo.com Did you actually have Roni help?
vongolaprimo no
vongolaprimo I just thought that
vongolaprimo it'd be ridiculously funny
vongolaprimo if it was blamed on Roni
eytang8@yahoo.com oh
vongolaprimo anyways I was talking to Allie
eytang8@yahoo.com How'd you know all the little mannerisms?
vongolaprimo with a help
vongolaprimo of a couple friends
eytang8@yahoo.com lol
vongolaprimo yeah..
vongolaprimo wanna see it? lol
eytang8@yahoo.com sure
eytang8@yahoo.com Dzenan's been feeding me some of the convo
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo well
vongolaprimo where should I start
vongolaprimo let's see
eytang8@yahoo.com Well, who helped you?
vongolaprimo VongolaPrimo (9:13:10 PM): hey allie what's up
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:15:03 PM): nm
VongolaPrimo (9:15:54 PM): did we have any hw for japanese class?
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:16:01 PM): kanji
VongolaPrimo (9:18:22 PM): oh ok thx
VongolaPrimo (9:19:17 PM): so how was you day? anything exciting go on? i'm really bored
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:21:39 PM): dango!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VongolaPrimo (9:22:46 PM): yeah dango!!!! it was pretty good, which flavor did u get?
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:22:53 PM): both
VongolaPrimo (9:23:25 PM): oh
VongolaPrimo (9:23:51 PM): i got both also
vongolaprimo cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:24:56 PM): yummyyyyyyy
VongolaPrimo (9:26:11 PM): yeppers
VongolaPrimo (9:29:51 PM): so whatcha doing? (no stalker inuendo intended)
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:30:50 PM): talking to eva
VongolaPrimo (9:31:53 PM): oh well say hi to her for me
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:33:42 PM): kay
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:35:23 PM): she says hi
VongolaPrimo (9:35:32 PM): col
VongolaPrimo (9:35:35 PM): cool
VongolaPrimo (9:35:39 PM): i mean
vongolaprimo VongolaPrimo (9:39:12 PM): hey so have you seen the commercial for i love you man its pretty funny
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:44:46 PM): i saw the preview for it a loooong time ago
VongolaPrimo (9:45:41 PM): i liked it
VongolaPrimo (9:45:49 PM): i wanna see it bad
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:47:22 PM): yeah same....i forgot what its about now though.
VongolaPrimo (9:48:05 PM): its about a guy whos getting married and needs a best man, so he goes on mandates
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:49:59 PM): ohhhh yeah
vongolaprimo cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:51:23 PM): PAUL RUDD
VongolaPrimo (9:51:56 PM): oh yeah he seems ok in it
VongolaPrimo (9:52:05 PM): i liked him in 40 year old virgin
VongolaPrimo (9:52:39 PM): like totally i think hes hott
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:55:06 PM): oh yeah he so sexy
VongolaPrimo (9:55:29 PM): i know hes probably a 8 maybe 9 out of ten
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:57:17 PM): a 9 most defenitly
VongolaPrimo (9:57:45 PM): back off he's mine bish
VongolaPrimo (9:57:59 PM): jk
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (9:58:34 PM): pshhh boy, you obviously havent been reading the magazines....hes MINE
VongolaPrimo (9:59:07 PM): we'll see about that i got dibbs on him so u know he MUST be mine
vongolaprimo cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:01:22 PM): uhmmmm no.
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:01:35 PM): me and him are like SOUL MATES
VongolaPrimo (10:04:35 PM): wow well that doesn't i can't still have him
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:05:14 PM): well you technically CAN, but i wont let you
VongolaPrimo (10:06:06 PM): fine you know what? to settle this i'll get him 4 days of the week and you get him 3 deal? jkjk
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:07:50 PM): you've got a typo there, i get him for 4 days
VongolaPrimo (10:07:59 PM): haha funny
VongolaPrimo (10:08:04 PM): don't push your luck
vongolaprimo cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:08:49 PM): grrrrrr
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:09:00 PM): no but really im not so crazy about paul rudd
VongolaPrimo (10:09:11 PM): same here
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:09:15 PM): its ALL about jamie campbell bower
VongolaPrimo (10:09:22 PM): whos that
VongolaPrimo (10:09:25 PM): ?

cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:09:39 PM): have you seen sweeney todd?
VongolaPrimo (10:09:52 PM): yeah why?
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:10:21 PM): he plays anthony
VongolaPrimo (10:11:15 PM): oh yeah his eyes are a little weird looking
vongolaprimo cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:11:31 PM): no his eyes are amazing
VongolaPrimo (10:12:22 PM): They a little too blue for me
VongolaPrimo (10:12:31 PM): hes a super white boy
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:13:07 PM): shushhhhh
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:13:16 PM): he's the bestest
VongolaPrimo (10:15:17 PM): yeah hes alright i guess
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:18:28 PM): hah
vongolaprimo cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:18:28 PM): hah
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com went away at 10:18:39 PM.
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com returned at 10:19:02 PM.
VongolaPrimo (10:19:48 PM): hey do u have any interest in watchmen?
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:20:58 PM): i've heard of it......
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com went away at 10:24:28 PM.
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com returned at 10:28:41 PM.
VongolaPrimo (10:37:44 PM): oh well it looks pretty cool. i like the smiley face
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:38:00 PM): smiley face?
vongolaprimo VongolaPrimo (10:38:12 PM): the logo for watchmen
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:39:35 PM): oh idk
VongolaPrimo (10:39:48 PM): oh well watevers
VongolaPrimo (10:43:43 PM): have you heard of the jonas brothers 3d concert? i wanna know how that works
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:44:14 PM): yeah....idk, it probably just looks like they're gonna touch your hand or something. o.o
VongolaPrimo (10:46:03 PM): thats weird
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:46:54 PM): kinda freaky, yes
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:47:02 PM): but i wanna see it o.o
vongolaprimo VongolaPrimo (10:47:25 PM): yeah i wouldn't mind going just to see it
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:47:57 PM): for the 3Dness
VongolaPrimo (10:48:05 PM): yep
VongolaPrimo (10:48:42 PM): wanna go see it this weekend?
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:49:18 PM): i cant im uber busy this weekend
VongolaPrimo (10:49:34 PM): oh thats cool
VongolaPrimo (10:49:41 PM): watever
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:50:05 PM): yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com Kewell
vongolaprimo cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:50:14 PM): okay well i have to go get some zzzs
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:50:19 PM): x]
VongolaPrimo (10:50:30 PM): yeah night : )
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com (10:50:39 PM): bye
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com signed off at 10:50:43 PM.
cocomuffinmix@yahoo.com is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
vongolaprimo did u read the whole thing?
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah
vongolaprimo so u saw what I asked her right?
eytang8@yahoo.com Yes, I did
vongolaprimo yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com Too bad about that
vongolaprimo huh?
vongolaprimo nah it's cool
eytang8@yahoo.com That it didn't work out
vongolaprimo I was expecting it
eytang8@yahoo.com mm...